I'm watching Al Gore on C-Span talking about our constitutional crisis - he was going to be introduced by former Rep. Bob Barr, who was one of the guys leading the impeachment charge, but I guess he was supposed to do it over some sort of video feed and they lost it. (Of course, the NSA probably had Bill O'Reilly cut his mike or something.) At least that shows it's a bipartisan thing. As he points out, Dr. King was illegally wiretapped and the FBI tried to blackmail him into committing suicide, so this is a perfect day to talk about it.
He makes some really good points. If the President can legally do all the things that Dubya has claimed that he can do, what can't he do? I hope he doesn't get a knock on his door in the middle of the night - he's obviously an "enemy of the state," the state being, ala Louis XVI, "moi," or "me" as Dubya would say. He certainly wouldn't want to use any French!
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