They do have a hobby, Gasparilla - cooking up crackpot conspiracy theories connecting Bill and Hillary Clinton to everything from the kidnapping of the Lindbergh baby to this. Oh - and you thought the Great Fire of Rome in 64 AD was Nero's doing? Wrong - Bill (or Hillary) Clinton traveled back in time to set it personally.
I don't belong to PUMA - I think they're deluded and a bit pathetic, and I would vote for a potted plant over John McCain - but every drop of vitriol that the Obama supporters throw Hillary's way makes me think less of him and his "new kind of politics." If his supporters are an example of it, then God save us from it. If there's one thing I can't stand, it's a "sore winner."
About John Edwards
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Putting this in context - the previous poster(s) was suggesting that Bill and/or Hillary Clinton has sicced the Enquirer on Edwards, seeing as how they're such nice people over there and need someone to send them out after a scurrilous story.
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