Even though I don’t have a clue whether anyone apart from myself is reading this blog, I’ve noticed a definite difference between the mindset of someone writing just for him/herself and writing, at least theoretically, for public consumption. It’s subtle, but every so often I hear a little voice in my head, when thinking of a topic, saying, “But is anyone really going to be interested in reading that, however fascinating you personally may find it?” I’m sure that this pressure increases as a writer (or performer of any kind) gains a larger audience, often leading to charges of “selling out.”
It seems to me that there is a fine line to walk here. On the one hand, I would like to connect with people who care about at least some of the things that I care about, and I suppose you can stay true to yourself without dumping everything in your brain on the whole world, but I would also like to explore topics that may bore others out of their minds, so if anyone’s out there I hope you’ll just skim past those and that there is enough here that does interest you to keep you coming back.
I stopped to read your blog. Just so you know.
It is the Phantom Reader! It's good to know, though, mysterious "I." Much appreciated!
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