Now, get over it, racists and unredeemed right-wingers. Everyone else, break out the champagne before we roll up our sleeves and get to work fixing this mess.
I couldn't help but think, when last week's amazing plane landing on the Hudson River took place, that it was the perfect symbol of our transition to a new era of competence and calm, cool and collected leadership. As I said to a couple of people, imagine if Chesley Sullenberger and crew had had the skills, training and qualifications of John McCain's "quintessential American," Joe the Unlicensed Plumber.
Let's also not forget, as many people have done in the rush to (deservedly) praise Mr. Sullenberger, the co-pilot, Jeff Skiles, and the flight attendants, Sheila Dail, Doreen Welsh, and Donna Dent, who were the ones who actually got the passengers out once the plane had landed.